Little Star Homeschool

"Do not train children to learning by force and harshness, but direct them to it by what amuses their minds, so that you may be better able to discover with accuracy the peculiar bent of the genius of each." Plato

Next door but one going down the road was dashing (as this hyper-manic 20 something does) along the right of way at the back of our house followed by his 3 year old daughter when disaster struck. She fell. She grazed a knee. She cried. He exploded in a rage. She had fell on something or nothing as 3 year olds do (Robert spends plenty of time on the floor but is stoical about it) so John duly dashed out to apologise and try to calm this man a little but thats not good enough for his little princess. We are now in the process of removing the old obviously defective concrete from the path and renewing it with a ton of sand and lots of paving. And of course just when the work gets underway it rains for two days. The skip we've hired is daylight robbery, its little more than a bucket and its nearly full and I have some stuff in the house I need to put in it.

After that I thought the week could only get better, silly me. We are still at war with British Gas after 8 cards and 3 meters....with no sign of a solution.


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