I haven't blogged for a few days due to extra shifts at work (still doing holiday cover) and picking up the pace with my ebaying so we have enough money to get away on holiday later this year. So I'm catching up while listening to sleezy Kipper music from the website. Robert read Kipper's beach ball to me again last night and can read more words, such as kipper, plasticky, and elsewhere he is picking up more words still.
Robert can write his name, he uses the whole of an A4 sheet of paper tho! And he is working hard learning to write numbers. We used some print outs from Scholastic which helped him get the shapes of the numbers and he was off and running!
This was all happening while John was shouting at the printer as it mangled paper, smudged ink and made some very strange noises which Robert found very funny. I'm starting to think that cheap ink cartridges aren't so cheap after all if they wreck the printer!
Homeschool Nature Study Resource: Keeping a Nature Journal – Review
Keeping a Nature Journal is a great homeschool nature study resource and
contains a wealth of ideas that you can pick and choose to use as
inspiration. T...
2 years ago
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