Little Star Homeschool

"Do not train children to learning by force and harshness, but direct them to it by what amuses their minds, so that you may be better able to discover with accuracy the peculiar bent of the genius of each." Plato

We have been watching BBC 2's Earth: The Power of the Planet tonight's episode featuring glaciers. After watching the programme almost to the end Robert declared "it wasn't as good as the last one because they didn't set fire to the ice."

Bedtime and as usual Robert's mind is racing. "I know how electricity works, mummy" he sits bolt upright, wide-eyed and takes a deep breath which always precedes an explanation. "Plugs have metal pins and they have wires that attach to them. The thing you put the plug into has metal inside it and metal conducts electricity. That also has wires in it going to the metal."

I then said he was quite right and that was a circuit. He then continued with a brief synopsis of how electricity flows (current) and potential difference (voltage.)

All that from a set of magnets.


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