Little Star Homeschool

"Do not train children to learning by force and harshness, but direct them to it by what amuses their minds, so that you may be better able to discover with accuracy the peculiar bent of the genius of each." Plato

Not much happening here apart from more rain. We try to get out between downpours but its beginning to feel fultile. So we bake and knit and study maths and english, play computer games and look out of the window. I've paid for our annual holiday. We're going to Paignton this year, so far reports are good from friends who have been there already, shirt sleeve weather apparently. Fingers crossed then.

Not much else to report, I've quit there's a thing. Well I work in a pub and since the smoking ban I haven't smoked. I always blamed my work environment for my habit, having attempted to quit several times before and failed. So now its been 21 days and I don't feel bad at all. Its a bit quiet at work though. What with the ban and all this rain.


Good for you! I quit smoking years ago and then started up again very recently (i.e. the last couple of months) - which was really, really , really stupid! I don't smoke in front of the children, I absolutely can't smoke whilst I'm working (with children) so it is really daft - but I was feeling shaky and vulnerable and thought a couple wouldn't hurt... so I'm now giving up again :0D

So, well done to you!

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