We've made Numberjack One and Zero from felt, quite easy to make using printouts from cbeebies as patterns, some stuffing, stick on googly eyes and embroidery thread for the mouth.
We are making one a day. Robert also wants to know if we can make the other characters - the Problem Blob, Shape Japer and the Puzzler. So once I have figured out how to make a felt ball....
I still haven't had a cigarette since July 1st, so its 27 days smoke free for me *hurrah*
Not much happening here apart from more rain. We try to get out between downpours but its beginning to feel fultile. So we bake and knit and study maths and english, play computer games and look out of the window. I've paid for our annual holiday. We're going to Paignton this year, so far reports are good from friends who have been there already, shirt sleeve weather apparently. Fingers crossed then.
Not much else to report, I've quit smoking...now there's a thing. Well I work in a pub and since the smoking ban I haven't smoked. I always blamed my work environment for my habit, having attempted to quit several times before and failed. So now its been 21 days and I don't feel bad at all. Its a bit quiet at work though. What with the ban and all this rain.
Monday morning and Robert had a wobbly tooth. I have been checking for wobbles since two adult teeth appeared behind his bottom front baby teeth. He was a bit upset by the fact he couldn't eat properly so he drank a lot of milk through the day to keep him going. By Monday night it was out, embedded in some ice cream. Under the pillow it went. Tuesday morning he woke, checked under his pillow and announced, "the tooth fairy did come!" Implying some sort of doubt about the whole thing. Now he has a gap, which he is very self-conscious of.