Little Star Homeschool

"Do not train children to learning by force and harshness, but direct them to it by what amuses their minds, so that you may be better able to discover with accuracy the peculiar bent of the genius of each." Plato

Saturday night I fell into bed at 1.30am after diligently cleaning out all my email inboxes, I have 4 major email accounts some of which receive forwarding from other addresses. I was just nodding off at 2am when Robert shouted me. It would be another 3 hours before I could rest my eyes again. He had a stomach bug which inevitably involved 2 bed changes and much to-ing and fro-ing between bedroom and bathroom. If I had known I wouldn't have risked a late night and would have got my head down by a sensible 10pm. Anyway at 5am Robert's stomach abated and we slept til 8am when we did a rerun. Every sip of water recoiled..."I've got springs in my tummy" he wailed. Sunday morning passed by in a blur, Sunday afternoon I had to go in to work and John took over the nursing. I got home just after 7pm to find the "springs" had recoiled all over John. This morning Robert woke feeling much better. I've spent most of today washing and ironing bedding. Now I know why my mum kept so many old sheets and pillowcases "just in case" its a good thing she got me to do the same.

I popped into town with Robert this afternoon so he could stretch his legs and get some fresh air. Also we just had to fetch Charlie and Lola 8 which was released today. Now bearing in mind the backdrop of the last day and two nights in which I have barely left Robert's side as he has been cuddled in my arms. I literally came to a stop in the middle of the street my eyes fixed on a young mother who was resolutely ignoring her son thrashing about in his pushchair and crying his eyes out. I gave her one of those looks, you know the kind that says..."well aren't you going to DO something?" but she glanced back with hollow eyes, there really was nobody home.

BTW Sunday was my 18th wedding anniversary. We married at 11 am on the 11th day of the 11th month. I like serendipitous stuff like that.


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