Little Star Homeschool

"Do not train children to learning by force and harshness, but direct them to it by what amuses their minds, so that you may be better able to discover with accuracy the peculiar bent of the genius of each." Plato

I'm off work this week...a much needed break because in a couple of weeks I will be covering my colleague when she goes into hospital for an op. More shifts : ( but the extra money will be useful.

I'm thinking of growing some veg in the garden this year, I read an article by Monty Don in last Sundays Mail and he claims it can be done in a small garden and we have a small garden lying fallow after the winter. I like flowers a lot but veg somehow seems more progressive towards a healthier lifestyle and when I was little gardening with my dad we grew some amazing stuff. I can still remember how good home grown runner beans tasted.

We had some snow on Friday, now the sun is shining and its looking more spring like. I better get the vacuum cleaner out now and try to find the carpet lol


The most gratifying thing to grow, in my opinion, is courgettes. The plants grow super big and strong with big hairy leaves like something out of Jurrasic Park, and the courgettes just keep on can have them baby or marrow. The yellow ones always look exotic (and taste better than the green ones). Every year, apart from lettuce and herbs and experiments with other things (my root veg are always a joke), I grow hundreds of courgettes and distribute them around family and friends. I think I might have a bit of a name for myself...oooer.

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